My newest work includes Naomhóg – ‘The Currach’ made out of Bronze and Charred Maple Wood. I have recently finished my ‘Bulbous Pod Series’ which includes…

Caroline Bond’s new series of cast bronze sculptures are called “War Horses”, the horses echo the emotional position of the many people who find themselves…

The source for my sculptural forms really started as a process of personal investigation, discovery and a very personal journey. I feel myself at the…

Stones, bones and puddles – I watch everything -people sitting quietly on a bench not chatting and not interacting. As I approach a person begging…

From inception to the final completed piece, each stage of the Lost Wax Casting process invigorates me. The smell of melting wax, which consistency…

The raw, deep, physicality of manipulating materials in their ever-changing state. Clay, Plaster and Wax respond instantaneously to push, prod, pour, drip, splatter, cut. The…